S.No. | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
01 | Authors: P Band Harwikarya , Desi Ramayanti
| JAJCS10081 |
02 | Web Mining — Concepts and its Applications Authors: S.S. Gautam, Manish Kumar Tiwari
| JAJCS10080 |
03 | Components and benefits of E-learning system Authors : S.S. Gautam, Manish Kumar Tiwari
| JAJCS10082 |
04 | Game Approachability: Remodelling testing of computer Games with the GAID model
| JAJCS10085 |
05 | Exploring Regression Techniques for Predictions of Wheat and Rice Prices in India
| JAJCS10084 |
06 | Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture Authors: Ghasem Farjamnia , Yusif Gasimov
| JAJCS10087 |
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